How to Study CCNA V1.1 without the V1.1 Books

 In News, Study Tips

Cisco plans to release start testing based on the CCNA 200-301 Version 1.1 blueprint starting August 20, 2024, replacing the former V1.0 blueprint. Yes, we have new books out mid-year 2024 that cover all the new exam topics. But as I have done for over a decade now, when Cisco revises the CCNA exam, I post about how to prepare without buying the new books for those who chose not to purchase the new books.

This post details specific study resources for exam topic that adds new content per the CCNA V1.1 blueprint, along with a few other related topics.

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Cisco U Snack Minute: CCNA Version 1.1

Cisco Cert Program Manager on CCNA V1.1

Registrations and Bookmarks

This section lists a few sites you’ll want to find, register for a free login, and bookmark the site.

As of August 2024, when I posted this post, Cisco had already added several learning modules useful for the CCNA V1.0 to V1.1 migration. They also promised to add more, so watch that space. Use these steps:

  1. Go to
  2. Register for the FREE tier.
  3. Bookmark the site.

During August 2024, I plan to release videos about:

  • Interpreting CCNA 200-301 V1.1 changes that add content
  • The artificial intelligence exam topic (6.4)
  • The (large) STP optional features exam topic (2.5.d)

Of course, you can find other useful CCNA content there as well. Feel free to join in!

  1. Go to
  2. Click subscribe and the bell to get notified
  3. Leave a comment to say hi!
  4. Bookmark the page.

Cisco holds several Cisco Live ( events around the world each year, normally in the US, Mexico, Europe, and Australia. They make the sessions from those events available online. I’ll refer to a few of those in the notes later in this post, so if you want to go ahead and establish a (free) login, use these steps:

  1. Navigate to
  2. Attempt to login. (Your login should work.) If you can’t login, create a (free) login.
  3. Bookmark the page.

CCNA 200-301 domain 6 includes various network automation topics. Regardless of the V1.1 update, you should look around the Cisco DevNet site to discover the amazing tutorials and labs available there. I will refer to a few of those resources in the notes below. To get ready for that:

  1. Navigate to the site:
  2. Attempt to login. There are several options, including using your credentials. If cannot login, follow the prompts to establish a (free) login.
  3. Bookmark the site.

This list matches the CCNA book editions to the exam versions:

  • CCNA OCG Edition 1 – CCNA 200-301 V1.0
  • CCNA OCG Edition 2 – CCNA 200-301 V1.1

This post is for people who want to NOT buy the Edition 2 books, save a few dollars, and fill in the rest of your knowledge using the older Edition 1 books. But there’s very useful information at about the older Edition 1 books that you will find useful. So, if you haven’t already done so, register your CCNA OCG Edition 1 books (both Volume 1 and Volume 2) at and bookmark the Companion Website for each. To do so:

  1. Open each book to the Introduction, to the heading titled “How to Access the Companion Website” on about page xlii.
  2. The process will require you to establish a (free) login at if you haven’t already, and to register each book. Do that.
  3. Bookmark the link to the companion website of EACH book.


Learning Resources for Each New V1.1 Exam Topic

CCNA 200-301 V1.1 Exam Topic 2.5.d is new versus the 1.0 blueprint. It adds this text:

  • “Root guard, loop guard, BPDU filter, and BPDU guard”

It resides under exam topic 2.5, which uses the verb “identity.” That means you need some skill beyond the ability to explain and describe these features, possibly requiring the ability to identify a feature per CLI configuration and verification commands. So, these topics may require more study than most of the new topics in the blueprint.

Here is the list of recommended assets to use if you choose not to buy the new edition 2 books:

Wendell’s Videos on YouTube

A series of videos in August 2024 on my YouTube channel. Look for a small playlist called “CCNA V1.0 to V1.1 Migration”. I plan to create videos for most of the content per this exam topic.

CCNA V1.0 to V1.1 Migration Playlist


Wendell Speaking at SkillSoft Webinar (September, 2024)

I will be speaking at a webinar for SkillSoft ( September 19, 2024. It’s free to all. The agenda discusses an overview of the exam topics that add content to CCNA per the V1.1 blueprint, with the rest a lecture about the new STP features – with time for Q&A. Come to the live event with your questions ready!

Link TBD.


Cisco U – Hank P. on Root Guard – with CML Lab.

A Cisco U tutorial on Root Guard. It uses CML. You can use a CML instance at Cisco DevNet if you don’t have it for yourself. You can also learn a bit from reading the tutorial without performing the lab.

The old V1.0 exam topic wording looks like this:

  • Describe AP and WLC management access connections (Telnet,
    SSH, HTTP, HTTPS, console, and TACACS+/RADIUS)

While the new V1.1 exam topic wording changes in two places, as seen next:

  • Describe network device management access (Telnet,
    SSH, HTTP, HTTPS, console, TACACS+/RADIUS, and cloud managed)

This cell focuses on the first wording change, and the next cell focuses on the second wording change.

In the Edition 2 books, for the first wording change, I added coverage of the Web User Interface (WebUI) available on routers and switches. Briefly, you configure the device to enable a web server. Then, as a user, you connect to the router or switch IP address using a web browser. The network device supplies a website with options to configure and verify the operation of the network device.

The exam topic uses a basic verb (describe), so you could argue that the above paragraph may be enough information! However, you can learn more with these links:

#1: Snippet from a Network Upskill YouTube Video

In the YouTube video about how to study for CCNA without buying new books, I talked about this feature enough to cover the highlights. Check out this video, and move to the section about Exam Topic 2.8.

  • Link TBD

IOS XE Documentation


For Screenshots…

Watch this video, beginning at about the 2:15 mark.

The old V1.0 exam topic wording looks like this:

  • Describe AP and WLC management access connections (Telnet,
    SSH, HTTP, HTTPS, console, and TACACS+/RADIUS)

While the new V1.1 exam topic wording changes in two places, as seen next:

  • Describe network device management access (Telnet,
    SSH, HTTP, HTTPS, console, TACACS+/RADIUS, and cloud managed)

This cell focuses on the second wording change.

The “and cloud managed” phrase could be about Meraki and its pure cloud-managed approach, and it could be about basic management access to a cloud-based device such as a CSR or Catalyst 8000v. (Keep in mind that the exam topic verb uses the verb describe, so a basic understanding meets the exam topic requirement.) Focusing on the Meraki angle, here are some resources:


#1: Wendell’s Favorite Meraki YouTuber

YouTube channel TheITWay has a healthy set of videos about Meraki. You do not need much depth for this related CCNA exam topic, but the following two introductory videos can give you the idea. (And as always, if you like the video… click like!)


Cisco’s Meraki Page

It can be a bit overwhelming to start with pages for the entire product line, but if you want a little more, just go to Cisco’s Meraki product page at this easy-to-remember URL:

They have lots of free webinars, often available immediately after registration.

There was no AI on the exam with CCNA 200-301 Version 1.0. Cisco added a new exam topic as follows:

  • 6.4: Explain AI (generative and predictive) and machine learning in network operations.

(Note: CCNA 200-301 V1.0 had a different exam topic 6.4 that was essentially removed, so they reused the exam topic number, with completely new wording.)

So, AI… it’s everywhere today. It has been been improving and changing rapidly. It can be a little overwhelming. So let me put a little context around it.

First, the exam topic uses the explain verb. So, learn the core ideas, maybe the top 5-10 terms (including those in the exam topic), and develop an elevator pitch. Can you explain AI to someone in 30 seconds? Can you do that for different kinds of people: Your boss, colleague, spouse, kid, parent, etc?

Then, note that last phrase: “… in network operations.” So they likely want you to know a bit about how Cisco uses AI.

The following list gives a balance on those. If you could use only one, use the first item, the Cisco U AI tutorial, read it all, and I think you’re well covered.


#1 – Cisco U Fundamentals of AI Tutorial

Cisco U Fundamentals of AI Tutorial

If we were to ask the folks at Cisco U to make a perfect course for this exam topic – not too much, not too little – we would get this course. It’s a perfect fit. Use it, digest it, learn it all.


#2 – YouTube: Jason Gooley, CCNA Author, on AI (YouTube @NetworkUpskill Channel)

As part of the August video plan for our YouTube channel, CCNA OCG co-author Jason Gooley created a video about AI, again with the CCNA AI exam topic in mind. Check it out!

Jason’s CCNA AI Video!


Cisco’s Most Known AI Speaker: Video about Network Operations and AI

(Former) Cisco employee John Capobianco speaks and writes about AI more often than most any source from Cisco. His talks can open your eyes to the possibilities of AI. Follow him online if you want to learn more about AI. And by the way, check out this video where he touches on the “network operation” angle of AI, which is part of the gist of the new CCNA AI exam topic.

Cisco U video on Network Operation and AI AI Portal

Interested in AI and interested in Cisco? Go here and explore.

For the CCNA exam topic, go there, look for “Network Operations”, and find examples of Cisco’s use of AI in their tools.


Cisco U on AI for Network Engineers

Cisco has been adding more and more AI content to Cisco U. Here’s a link w/ a search built-in so you’ll find new resources. I particularly like the one on Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) for those going for CCNA.

Cisco U search on “ChatGPT”


Cisco U AI Learning Path from Skillsoft

SkillSoft, one of the Cisco Learning Partners, created an AI learning path that’s available for free at Cisco U:

Cisco U AI learning path from SkillSoft

This exam topic changed for blueprint V1.1 by adding one noun phrase. Here’s the full exam topic, with the new phrase in bold:

  • Describe characteristics of REST-based APIs (authentication types, CRUD, HTTP verbs, and data encoding)

The verb (describe) places the bar pretty low. I interpret it to mean that you need to understand what it means to authenticate a REST API, and list the different types. Again, use the elevator pitch analogy: Can you describe REST authentication in 30 seconds to people of various knowledge levels?

Here are a few resources:

#1 – Blog Post

An Internet search will uncover many articles and videos about REST authentication. Many go far beyond what you may need for CCNA. I did that, and came up with this article as my current favorite. I may change my mind as I uncover others – it’s a challenge to find one that nets it out.

Blog post summarizing REST authentication.

Other Blog Posts

Here are a few others that I liked, just not enough to choose as #1:

DevNet Start Now Video Series

Adrienne Tacke of Cisco DevNet speaks to us in a series of introductory videos. Want a little more about REST – a topic that isn’t new to CCNA but is part of the exam? Check our her videos and learn about REST so you can better understand REST authentication.

DevNet video series that includes REST

OAuth Basics

A YouTube video that describes the history and motivations for OAuth authentication.

The old V1.0 exam topic wording looks like this:

  • Recognize the capabilities of configuration management mechanisms Puppet, Chef, and Ansible

While the new V1.1 exam topic replaces Puppet and Chef with Terraform:

  • Recognize the capabilities of configuration management mechanisms such as Ansible and Terraform 

Here are the study resources:

#1 Resource: Adrian on Ansible and Terraform

If I had ordered a presentation from Cisco about this one exam topic, this Cisco Live presentation would be the result. It is centered on the kinds of information that will make you well-prepared for this exam topic.

Adrian Iliesiu of Cisco, a much-trusted expert and wonderful presenter, gives us 45 minutes, starting with Ansible and then comparing it to Terraform. It’s time well spent for the new CCNA exam topic. In fact, it’s so good that I’m not pointing at any other extra study tools for this exam topic! Just use this one.


Hands-On Tutorial w/ Terraform & ACI

This one goes beyond the scope of the CCNA exam topic. However, it guides you through some simple steps to dig in and try using Terraform! It’s also in the free tier at Cisco U. Check it out:

Learning Resources for Interim (November 2022) Blueprint Update

Cisco updated the CCNA V1.0 blueprint in late 2022. For the most part, the blueprint changes did not require any new material in the then-current (Edition 1) CCNA 200-301 Official Cert Guides. However, a few exam topic wording changes expanded the meaning of the topics.

Additionally, by late 2022, it was over three years since I had finished writing the Edition 1 books. There were other topics I wanted to modernize or expand.

To help anyone using the Edition 1 books, we added a PDF to the book web pages for each book (both Volume 1 and Volume 2). If you own the Edition 1 books, open the books to the Exam Updates Appendix (B), follow the instructions there, and download the Exam Update PDF for that book. You should download the PDF for each book, as they have different content specific to each book.

If using the older (Edition 1) books (built for CCNA V1.0) for the new exam (CCNA V1.1), make sure to also review the contents of these Exam Updates appendices, in addition to the tools mentioned above for the new CCNA V1.1 exam topics.

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Kenji Mapes

Wendell thanks for posting this valuable information. I know you’re very busy writing books & working with all the individuals, teams, publishers, etc in getting your books out along with updating your blog & new Networking Upskill vlog on YT, etc. I really appreciate that you have culled study materials together for aspiring Cisco certification holders who own your CCNA 200-301 1st Edition Study Library. In the past I didn’t hesitate upgrading to new editions as I rationalized using them as references but have ended up amassing an unwieldy library of books.

Now my plan was to get the CCNA with your 1st Edition books but got derailed in my studies as I also studied for my Azure & AWS certs. Then I decided to earn my CCST-NW cert which recently came out so I decided to postpone my CCNA thinking the CCST would be a prudent “precursor” & building block towards earning my CCNA. I’m about to take my CCST so will renew my efrors for the CCNA. I almost tried to cram for it prior to the v1.1 exam change but decided to pivot after watching your vids & reading your vlog. It has been hard resisting the urge to get the 2nd edition library but I thought it’d be wasteful. I really appreciate that you’re giving out a study plan for the new exam with the old books as it goes against your monetary interest but it shows that you’re a conscientious man more interested in helping & teaching others beyond just lining your pockets more. Also thanks for responding to my replies. We all wish that we could email you directly but then you’d probably spend 1/4 of your day reading & replying to your book lovers. I was wondering why you haven’t written books for the CCST-NW or CCST-CySec exam? Do you know if they are going to update the Net Sim in your CCNA 200-301 v1.1 2nd Edition Study Library package?


Best regards,


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