Catching up on Comments: Mid-May 2022
Hello again to all you regular folks here at my blog! I’m back, working a little here and there in May. This brief post is to let you know I’ll be answering your comments in the coming days. Sorry for being away for April 2022, but the Doc said it had to be. I may not get to your comment right away, but I’ll plug away til I get to them all, probably by mid-May. Details below if you need to know more than that!
Your Comments and When they Show up in the Blog
If you leave a comment to a post here at the blog, some show up immediately, without any action on my part. WordPress allows and immediately displays your comment when you have posted a time or two before and I’ve approved your comment. However, for almost all initial comments, and often for the first several, WordPress holds your comments until I approve the comments as an anti-spam mechanism.
I just approved all the comments that you had collectively left while I was away. So you should see those now.
For comments made in May, I’ll approve those quickly, so you see them.
I’ll Answer Oldest First
I’ll work the queue from the oldest comment to the newest until I catch up! Sometimes, it just takes a few minutes to reply, sometimes longer. And I’m working just odd moments here are there still for a few weeks. Just know that I’ll get back to you!
Need Something Today? Broader Questions? Cisco Learning Network
If you need an answer to a technology question, rather than info about some specific in a blog post here, I encourage you to check out the Cisco Learning Network (CLN) at They have forums for each Cisco exam, including CCNA. Just join in there, search for answers, or post a new question.